Sunday, 31 July 2016

SaaS,Paas and IaaS


Good Morning,
In dreams was looking and moving some clouds from here and there to in morning decide to blog for the word clod. which is very burning and interesting topic at present. So many cloud service providers are there in market, delivering their services and support. Before discussing on technical part, should understand more about cloud
1. what is cloud concept (theoretical and technical part)
2. what terms are their
3. what is best for business

SaaS, PaaS and IaaS
Software as a Service (SaaS)
The top layer of cloud computing, Software as a Service is typically built on top of a Platform as a Service solution, whether that platform is publicly available or not, and provides software for end-users such as email, word processing, or a business CRM. Software as a Service is typically charged on a per-user and per-month basis, and companies have the flexibility to add or remove users at any time without addition costs beyond the monthly per-user fee. Some of the most well known SaaS solutions are “Google Apps”,, and Microsoft’s “Business Productivity Online Suite
Characteristics of SaaS
Like other forms of Cloud Computing, it is important to ensure that solutions sold as SaaS in fact comply with generally accepted definitions of Cloud Computing. Some defining characteristics of SaaS include;
• Web access to commercial software
• Software is managed from a central location
• Software delivered in a “one to many” model
• Users not required to handle software upgrades and patches
• Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) allow for integration between different pieces of software

Platform as a Service (PaaS)
Operating at the layer above raw computing hardware, whether physical or virtual, PaaS provides a method for programming languages to interact with services like databases, web servers, and file storage, without having to deal with lower level requirements like how much space a database needs, whether the data must be protected by making a copy between 3 servers, or distributing the workload across servers that can be spread throughout the world. Typically, applications must be written for a specific PaaS offering to take full advantage of the service, and most platforms only support a limited set of programming languages. Often, PaaS providers also have a Software as a Service offering (see below), and the platform has been initially built to support that specific software. Some examples of PaaS solutions are the “Google App Engine” system, “Heroku” which operates on top of the Amazon Web Services IaaS system, and “” built as part of the Software as a Service offering
Characteristics of PaaS
There are a number of different takes on what constitutes PaaS but some basic characteristics include
• Services to develop, test, deploy, host and maintain applications in the same integrated development environment. All the varying services needed to fulfil the application development process
• Web based user interface creation tools help to create, modify, test and deploy different UI scenarios
• Multi-tenant architecture where multiple concurrent users utilize the same development application
• Built in scalability of deployed software including load balancing and failover
• Integration with web services and databases via common standards
• Support for development team collaboration – some PaaS solutions include project planning and communication tools
• Tools to handle billing and subscription management

Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS)
Providing the fundamental building blocks of computing resources, IaaS takes the traditional physical computer hardware, such as servers, storage arrays, and networking, and lets you build virtual infrastructure that mimics these resources, but which can be created, reconfigured, resized, and removed within moments, as and when a task requires it. The most well known IaaS provider, Amazon Web Services, offers a variety of options, including their “EC2” computing platform, and “S3” storage platform.
Characteristics of IaaS
As with the two previous sections, SaaS and PaaS, IaaS is a rapidly developing field. That said there are some core characteristics which describe what IaaS is. IaaS is generally accepted to comply with the following;
• Resources are distributed as a service
• Allows for dynamic scaling
• Has a variable cost, utility pricing model
• Generally includes multiple users on a single piece of hardware
There are a plethora of IaaS providers out there from the largest Cloud players like Amazon Web Services and Rackspace to more boutique regional players.
 IaaS is that technology that help and assist as the ability to deploy multiple types of clouds

. These three acronyms describe services in particular, but not cloud computing specifically.  It just happens that cloud computing is often broken down into these three segments.  From here on though
Key characteristics of a cloud based solution are:

  • ·         It is available on demand.
  • ·         It can be accessed through standard platforms like desktop, laptop, mobile.
  • ·         It can be used by multiple people.
  • ·         People can share resources.
  • ·         It can easily handle increase/decrease of user base.
  • ·         Solution can scale up/down easily.
  • ·         Billing for the service can be easily measured.

In very short, a summary that what they do and deliver with example.
IaaS - OVH, Hetzner, DigitalOcean, Linode, Rackspace, AWS(Partially - EC2, EBS, S3)
They provide you with servers, storage, network
PaaS - Google App Engine, EngineYard, Heroku, AWS (Partially - DynamoDB, SQS, SNS)
They provide you the stack to host your application. You just have to follow their standards like where the stack can find your application, your startup script and/or config, scaling configurations, etc.
SaaS - Salesforce, GMail, Quickbooks online
They provide you the software itself.
There are lots of theory and concept to understand the CLOUD. will be back with more on this very soon.

Saturday, 30 July 2016

DFS Concept

Here you can find basic overview concept for DFS functional and technical. Will be updating a deep drive on this part as soon as possible. 

Distributed File System (DFS) is the standard data replication solution for DCN facilities used for BCP/DR requirements. The DFS of one location is configured to replicate data to the corresponding recovery location(s). In the event of a disaster or non-availability of the primary data repository, the service is re-directed to the recovery location and vice versa. Each Facility is to provide DFS services to all the clients operating in the shared network. DCN must follow Microsoft DFS based solution within the Microsoft Windows Server Operating System on dedicated server for all sites. The site with <500 users is to have DFS installed on the File Server in the centre. This document defines the standards to be followed when implementing DFS.

Shared space is to be created and allocated to a project/s on the storage area of the File server. The pointer of this shared drive/location is to be created on the DFS server. The DFS server of the specific location (primary) is to be configured for replication with the recovery location/s DFS server. The replications must be scheduled to take place at off working hours.

File Server
Repository were the project data lies
Primary Location
Location where DFS server data will be residing
Recovery Location
Location where DFS data will be replicated and used during DR
Primary location DFS server
Recovery location DFS server

DFS servers must be hosted in Shared Server Farm VLAN.
Domain membership – All DFS servers must be member servers of the respective Regional Domain (DCN<Region>.com or GDN<Region>.com).
Domain Controller – Active Directory Schema must be extended by running the following command “adprep.exe /forestprep”. (Note: This commands needs to be executed only once in the forest.

DFS Logical Topology



Staging Folder Configurations Item
Primary file server
Select required space for project data
Folder creation on File server
DFSR-Staging to be created in the above free space
Quota limit must be applied
Replication Group
Default staging path must be changed to the new path

Replication Configuration
DFS server to server replication is based on project specific replication – i.e. one server can replicate to multiple servers and also receive files from multiple locations.

Replication Group
Mention New replication group
Replication Group Type
Multipurpose replication group
Name and Domain
Assign the replication group created, and Data Distribution description about the replication group
Replication Group Members
Select at least two servers which will replicate each other
Hub & Spoke
Hub Members
Hub member – Primary (Location) server Spoke member – Recovery server
Replication Group Schedule and Bandwidth
Schedule the replication time. (Off Production Hours. Data must be replicated between DFS servers once per day.)
Primary Member
Mention the Server which will have the latest up-to-date information
Folder to Replicate
Assign the folders needed to be replicated
Local Path of the other server
Path of the other server folder to be replicated
  Folder Configurations for DR location

Source server
In replicated folder properties, select Only Share the folder
Publishing Method
Share the replicated folder
Grant appropriate permissions

Post Replication Configurations
The following configuration items on the DFS management console ensure that the file servers will not consume large space for staging folders.

Identify free space on Primary File Server
Folder & Quota
Creation of folder DFSR-Staging & apply hard Quota. Set quota to restrict beyond 5 GB
Staging Path
On respective replication group properties of DFS management in advance, change the default size to 1024 MB
Firewall rules to permit DFS replication traffic:
The below table outlines the TCP/UDP ports used by the traffic between Primary DFS to Recovery DFS servers that must be opened on the Internal Firewalls to permit DFS data replication traffic.

. Application Protocol
LDAP Server
NetBIOS Datagram Service
NetBIOS Session Service
Randomly allocated high TCP ports
RANDOM ports – 5000 to 5100
LDAP Server

All Firewall rules for the above mentioned TCP/UDP ports are to be bi-directional rules. Hard coding ports on the DFS server’s Registry for Replication:
1. Add the Internet key under: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Rpc
2. Under the Internet key, add the values "Ports" (MULTI_SZ), "PortsInternetAvailable" (REG_SZ) and "UseInternetPorts" (REG_SZ).

The following patches must be installed to ensure smooth data replication across DFS servers.
KB905700, KB912154, KB912850, KB917953, KB920335, KB925377

The DFS servers must be backed up on a daily basis using the Facility Shared Backup service. Additionally backup the namespace of the DFS server using DFSutil (This utility can be installed from Windows Support Tools in Windows Server operating system CD). This will create a text file. Backup this file on daily basis as mentioned above. Perform this action before the daily backup.
In case of disaster restore the above created text file by using DFSutil.
Following are the useful additional information and best practices:
Number of DFS roots per server One, unless a hotfix is installed - Refer to this Microsoft KBarticle.
Number of links per DFS namespace:
>5,000 links for domain-based DFS
>50,000 links for stand-alone DFS
    • .Full Replication take place between the two servers only once in Hub & Spoke mode initially, henceforth only incremental replications take place between the two servers daily.
    • Bandwidth allocation – Plan with 256 kbps initially, observe the performance over a period of time and set the sizing based on real-time observation.
    • DFS Replication uses staging folders to act as caches for new and changed files to be replicated from sending members to receiving members. Also each replicated folder uses its own staging folder, and each staging folder has a configurable quota.
    • Staged files in the staging folders might consume a large portion of the volume and lead to disk full conditions.
    • Files are purged based on high and low watermarks, must be carefully set based on each replicated folder's replication activity and available disk space on the server.
    • Staging management - Configure the staging folder path to be the same for all replicated folders on a given volume and use a quota system to configure a quota over that folder. General example Drive name: \DFSR-Staging\Project folder name or Project Pseudo name. NOTE: This activity is to be carried out only after the initial replication gets completed - when a new replication group is configured.